ESP 1st Assignment on 'English For Specific Purpose' Definition and the Course Design

This week I learned about ESP 'English for Specific Purpose' and now tries to answer the three questions given in the course;

1. What is ESP

Rather I explain in sentence form, here is the following chart that may help to get a basic understanding of the ESP concept;

In summary, ESP is a course design for English different purposes based on the needs of learners.

2.    How to do 'Need Analysis'?

ESP is about preparing learners to use English based on their required fields such as Academic, Professional, or Workplace environment. 

It is important to design the ESP course and the syllabus according to the analysis of needs. Here is the basic question of analysis that we need to know;

To do analysis, herewith some method that usually uses to conduction the observation;

3.    How to Develop a Course Design?

To develop a course design in ESP, the syllabus, methodology, and the need analysis must be defined and prepared accordingly;

That's the answer that I can summarize briefly, I realize that the information I provide is still far from perfect, therefore, you may add it in the comments column.

Happy Learning!
Thank you.

1.    Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters. 1987. English for Specific Purposes. New York. Cambridge.
2.    Helen Basturkmen. 2006. Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. New Jersey. Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
